Fun in the snow, painting, medurah, Shabbat, and fireworks...we got our hands dirty and had a TON of fun at Work Weekend this year! Keep reading for more!

Work Projects
Throughout the weekend, families and campers were able to participate in various work projects to help repair and restore some of the harsh winter's impact on the site. Here's a few highlights of what we were able to accomplish:
- Cleaned and prepared the chadar (dining hall)
- Sherutim (bathroom) and tzrifim (cabin) deep cleaning
- Organized and cleaned the tool shed
- Inventory galore!
- Re-painted our picnic tables (thank you to our Open House guests for helping with this, too!)

Open House
While we're bummed we couldn't host families overnight this year in our traditional Family Camp style, we were delighted to have some day visitors stop by on Sunday. We began our afternoon with lunch, followed by a full tour of Gilboa, then kayaking on Bluff Lake, and finally, picnic table paining! Thank you to the new families who were able to make it up, we had a blast getting to know you!
Shabbat and... fireworks!
Arguably chanichimot's (campers') favorite time of the week, we were elated to recreate some of our favorite camp Friday and Saturday night traditions to share with Work Weekend volunteers. On Friday night after the first round of volunteers arrived, we shared Shabbat dinner to commence the weekend. When the sun went down on Saturday, we put on our cozy sweatshirts and said goodbye to Shabbat through havdallah (closing Shabbat prayers), medurah (bonfire), and kumzits (group singing). And as a special surprise...for the lucky few volunteers still around on Sunday night, we took a group field trip into Big Bear for fireworks and dinner out on the town!
Support our Winter Recovery
As you know, this winter was especially severe. The first freeze was earlier than ever, and the huge amount of snow kept us from being able to access camp until later than ever. Once our road was finally able to be plowed and we got up to the site, we found more damage than usual. Aside from lots of burst pipes that our plumbers are fixing, the biggest issues are that the weight of the snow caused our tent platforms and chadar mirpeset (porch of the dining hall) to collapse. Big thanks to our work weekend participants for helping us fix as much damange as we can! But these projects are also going to require bringing professional contractors to the site for expensive repairs. Please support Camp Gilboa to build back even bigger and better by donating here and sharing this link with your networks!
If you'd like to support Camp Gilboa another way, we are also seeking donations of these items for camp this summer:
Portable DVD players
Art supplies
A truck (or other vehicle)
Camping tents
Commercial kitchen equipment (specific items – reach out to talk more if you have anything!)