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West Coast Seminar Recap!

Back in November, over 60 high schoolers from both Gilboa and our sister camp Miriam in Vancouver gathered in Los Angeles for the biggest West Coast Seminar we've had in years! We were also lucky to be joined by Mazkirut Artzit member Eliza Roth from the youth director team of Habonim Dror North America.

Here are some highlights from West Coast Seminar 2024:

Arrival was around noon on Friday, when chanichimot (campers) settled into their temporary home at IKAR's event space. After lunch and some fun getting-to-know-you activities, seminar participants headed to UCLA Hillel where they enjoyed a Shabbat dinner together before heading back to IKAR for a good night's sleep. It was quite an experience navigating LA's bus system with such a large group!

The next morning, after a delicious bagel breakfast, chanichimot hopped on a chartered bus to Pan Pacific Park for a peula (educational activity) to prepare for a tour of the Holocaust Museum. After the meaningful tour, everyone went downtown for lunch at Grand Central Market, where there were dozens of different restaurant stalls to choose from! Then, across from City Hall in Grand Park, the group reflected on their different LA bus experiences in a Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) activity about public transportation in Los Angeles led by Miles Morton, a staffer for City Councilmember Nithya Raman and a friend of Camp Gilboa's. Then, a wild scavenger hunt around downtown helped everyone get to know the city (and each other) a little better. After a jam-packed afternoon, the group headed back to IKAR for dinner, havdallah, and an evening full of connection.

Sunday morning after breakfast, everyone was excited to go to Santa Monica for some beach time! After all, how can it be a weekend in LA without the beach?! Some courageous campers braved the chilly ocean waters, the group had some bonding time in the sun, ate some lunch on the pier, and then we said goodbye to our friends, old and new, until next time.

Speaking of seminar fun... Winter Seminar registration closes at the end of the day this Friday 2/14/25! Register NOW so you don't miss out!

Talk to you soon!

--Camp Gilboa


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