Gilboa's Going Virtual!

We are so excited to be offering virtual programming this summer. You'll find a variety of options and levels of engagement to choose from. Our goal for this summer is to provide opportunities for chanichimot to connect, have fun, and learn together!
Sessions will run from June 29th through July 24th.
Gilboa's virtual summer includes a core program, marked blue on the schedule, with chuggim (elective) add-ons. That means chanichimot (campers) entering 3rd through 10th grade can be engaged in Gilboa fun and learning anywhere from 4.5 to 15 hours per week! MBG (11th) & Madatz (12th) summer program outlines can be found HERE.
The program will reflect Gilboa’s essence as a progressive and inclusive Jewish community of young people, with social justice, community building, and youth empowerment at the core, all with experiential education, and lively methods and games.

See chuggim descriptions HERE!
We are committed to making all Gilboa programs affordable for every family. The program is offered at a sliding scale - please contribute what you can. In addition, financial aid is available - please contact for more details.
Please register by June 20th. Note that a chug will only run with a minimum of 5 participants. Supply lists for each chug will be sent out a week in advance. We’ve noted in the description if the chug might require supplies that are an added cost (most do not.)
We are really looking forward to connecting with the Gilboa community this summer in a variety of ways! We hope to gather in person safely later in the summer, and we will keep everyone in the loop as plans evolve.
In the meantime, reach out with any questions to, and we'll see you on Zoom!