Shabbat Shalom Gilboa!
In this blog post:
Family take-home Shabbat
Shabbat blogging (featuring chanichimot of different ages)
Today, we’re so excited to introduce a new structure in Gilboa’s virtual summer- take-home Shabbat! In addition to our community Shabbat every Friday, we’ll be sending out some easy, quick activities you can do as a family to help bring a little bit of the Gilboa Shabbat experience home. Each week, you’ll get a reflective discussion, a recipe you can make, a rikkud (Israeli dance) song of the week, and a havdalah song of the week that you can just relax to.
Family dinner discussion questions:
What’s the rose (best part) and thorn (a challenging part) of your week? What’s your bud (something you’re looking forward to in the coming days?
How do you want to separate this Shabbat from the past week? How do you want to get ready for the coming week?
Reflect on the first week of virtual camp. How has being part of the Gilboa program helped you feel connected to other people this week?
Craft project for this weekend:
Draw a picture of what you would want to do when we’re at Gilboa in person (if you’ve never been there before, take a virtual tour of virtual Gilboa and see photos here). Take a picture or scan your drawing and send it to us ( We’ll make a collage of photos and send it with next week’s post!
Recipe of the Week:
The Lieberman Family Challah
Makes 1 loaf, can easily be doubled or tripled
1 cup of water
1 egg
1tbsp of oil
4 tbsp of sugar
3 cups of flour + more for kneading
½ tsp of salt
½ tbsp yeast
Combine all ingredients in a bowl together and mix until dough is formed. Then move to a floured surface and knead for a few minutes. Let rise for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size. Braid (tutorial here), preheat the oven to 350°F while you let it rise again for 20-30 mins and then place in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Remove when bread is golden brown on top.
Looking for vegan challah? Check out Ada’s recipe here.
Rikkud (Israeli Folk Dance) of the Week:
Tzadik Katamar - this is an easy rikkud song that happens early in the night.
If you want to learn the dance, Natasha teaches us the moves in this video.
Havdalah Song of the Week:
Guest Bloggers (Gilboa Campers)
My favorite part about Gilboa so far has been the satire newsroom. I think my favorite part there has been coming up with the name for the paper. With my kvutza, we did a little talent show, and we did a funny sunglasses photoshoot over zoom. Another reason I have been having so much fun at Gilboa is because I love all of the fun people here!!
- Amelie (Sayarimot - 6th grade)
My favorite part of camp Gilboa is comic bookmaking. I love to draw, which is why I like it so much! I also am excited for the talent show in the holidays class. It’s all so fun!!!!!!!!
- Josie (Amelimot - 3rd-4th)
My favorite thing in Gilboa on zoom is the satire newsroom headlines. They were funny little bits to read and always made me laugh if I read them aloud, They were fun to make with all of the crazy topics. For example the topic about dogs or ice cream - they always made people come up with crazy ideas but still having a lot of fun.
- Tal (Chotrimot - 7th grade)
My favorite part of Gilboa was the gameshows.
Mila (Amelimot)
My favorite part of virtual camp was how in Holidays we were part of a business. I wasn’t expecting that to happen. But I didn't really know what was going to happen. So I wasn’t expecting anything.
-Jolene (Sayarimot, 5th/6th grade)
And a drawing from Jolene:

My favorite things this week were chug holidays and satire news. I liked holidays because we got to do art and we will get a letter from somebody from camp.
I liked satire news because my group had all my friends in it and not my siblings and we got to think of funny titles and headlines. :) :D
- Dori (Sayarimot)
Why I love Gilboa! First of all the counselors are awesome! They are so fun and they do fun things for us and they take good care of us! Second, they have the best food ever and that’s a reason why I miss Gilboa, it’s like a Gilboa restaurant! And third, your friends are like your family! And it’s my favorite summer activity! That’s all for me! Hope to see you all soon.
Love, Rina Bachrad! (Amelimot)
