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Shabbat Blog: Shomrimot, Yom Kvutsa and Photos

Shabbat Shalom Gilboa Families!

Today is the start of our first Shabbat at camp, which is always a special time for chanichimot (campers). We started the day with a fan favorite cinnamon roll breakfast, then had an extra long avodah (work block) to prepare camp for a restful evening and relaxing Saturday. After Jewce (weekly parsha-themed age group activity), chanichimot (campers) spent some time learning Israeli dances before heading off to lunch. We had our classic Friday 'fancy sandwich' lunch then headed off to shabbat rotations. The Shomrimot (rising 8th graders) joined the Shabbat Blog rotation this week to give us the details about how much fun they had on Yom Kvutsa.

Yom Kvutsa is a special day when each kvutsa (age group) gets to spend all day together bonding, eating fun foods, and doing special out of the ordinary activities. This year, every kvutsa went kayaking, some went to the creek, some had fun activities in the garden, and more! The Shomrimot went on a long hike, had ice cream, and share more about their day below. After Shabbat rotations, we had a nice long block of chofesh (free time) in order to wash up for Shabbat, including cleaning up our tzrifim (cabins) and ohelim (tents)! We gathered at the toren (flag pole) to meet for the start of Shabbat, then all walked down to the dam for a Rosh story where Natasha shared a meaningful story with all of machaneh. We shared a delicious Shabbat dinner of chicken, tofu, rice pilaf, salad, roasted veggies and challah before ending the night with rikud (Israeli dancing).

Here's a word from the Shomrimot about yesterday's Yom Kvutsa:

And of course...some photos from our first Shabbat as Camp Gilboa 2023! Shabbat Shalom, talk to you soon!

-- Alison


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