Shabbat Shalom Gilboa Families,
We can't believe that Session 1 is already coming to a close! This past week has been full of fun and special activities. Sunday was Visitor's Day when we welcomed parents and families to explore camp and enjoy a picnic with their campers. On Monday, everyone at machaneh (camp) packed their bags and went on tiyul (an overnight hiking trip). Tuesday evening was Bonimot Idol, a machaneh-wide dance competition led by the Bonimot (rising 9th graders). On Wednesday the Nitsanimot arrived. They are our youngest campers and stay here for a few days for a taste of camp. This year's Nitsanimot included a group of campers from the Westside JCC's JCamp! Thursday was BoCoup (Bogrimot + Coup), when the rising 10th graders "kick out" tzevet (counselors) and get to take over camp for a day along with the Madatz (counselors in training). Now it's Shabbat and almost time for Final Mes, the big celebration on the last night of the session!
Here is what a few of the Amelimot (rising 3-5th graders) had to report about this week and their camp experience in general:

(by Nora Goldman)
Check out photos from all the awesome things we were up to this week here: