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Rosh Announcement!

Hey everyone!

This summer, we're welcoming Natasha as Rosh Machaneh (Summer Director)! Natasha will oversee the tzevet (staff) and operations this summer at Gilboa.

Here's a word from Natasha:

"Hey everyone! Natasha here! So so excited to be Rosh Gilboa for summer 2022! I’ve been going to Gilboa since 2011 (when I was 11) and it is truly one of my favorite places in the world. I have had the pleasure of being a chanicha, a madricha, a madatz madricha, and melavah on mazkirut. I’ve learned and grown so much since beginning my time at machaneh and I can’t wait to continue that process! I am constantly inspired by all of the tzevet and chanichimot at Gilboa. I couldn’t ask for a better community!"

Thanks, Natasha, we're so excited to welcome you as our Rosh this summer!

To read even more exciting news, check out our newsletter from this week here.


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