Check out our fantastic, thoughtful, fun, energetic, and just plain awesome Mazkirut (youth leadership) for summer 2021! They have been hard at work throughout the winter and spring to hire the counselors, reimagine the camp schedule and programming to create a safe camp environment, and create the kesem (magic!) that will be felt throughout summer at Gilboa.
Some quick definitions of roles on the Mazkirut:
Rosh Machaneh: Head of Camp
Chinuch: Education Director
Techni: Technical/Logistics Director
Melavah/Melavot: Director(s) of Camper Wellbeing
Maz Kesher: This is the mazkirut member assigned to work with the counselors of each grade (like a unit head). They'll be with the campers and staff throughout most parts of the day, including sleeping in the cabins.

Quinn - Rosh Machaneh
Hi, I’m Quinn! I’m from Brooklyn, New York, graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a degree in Political Science in 2020, and this Fall, I’m moving to DC to start studying at Georgetown University Law Center. I started going to Gilboa's sister camp, Na’aleh, in 2007 and came to work at Gilboa in the summer of 2017. Gilboa has been a hugely important part of my life over the last few years. Seeing chanichimot (campers) grow into creative, thoughtful, leaders with so much care for the world around them is the best feeling in the world. I’m so excited to be Rosh as we come back together for in-person camp!

Natasha - Melavah
Hello! My name is Natasha and I’m so excited to be at camp this summer after this long and crazy year. I’ve been going to Gilboa since 2011 and it’s absolutely one of my favorite places to be! This summer I’m so excited to be one of the Melavot, which means I’ll be helping ensure that camp is a place where kids can be happy and healthy! When I’m not at camp, I’m either at home in Berkeley or at Wesleyan University where I study Sociology and Dance. I am also very passionate about jewelry-making, sewing, and playing games — all of which I am excited to do at camp!

Dalia - Chinuch (Education Director ) & Maz Kesher for the Bonimot (9th Grade)
Hi everyone! My name is Dalia Paris-Saper. I grew up outside of Boston, MA and spent 8 summers at Camp Na’aleh, Gilboa’s sister camp! I started working at Gilboa in 2017 after Naaleh closed and was so lucky to have found a new home here at Gilboa. Growing up, I always loved that camp was a unique space to learn about social justice in engaging ways, and I’m so excited to be the chinuch this summer to craft an experiential educational curriculum for chanichimot. I recently graduated from Pitzer College, where I majored in American Studies. I also love swimming, cooking, and being in nature!

Eliza - Techni & Maz Kesher for the Bogrimot (10th grade)
Hi! I’m Eliza! I’m from Berkeley but am currently studying American Studies at Tufts University in Massachusetts. I started coming to Gilboa when I was 8 (in the first ever nitsanimot kvutsa!!) and haven’t made any other summer plans since! As fun as virtual camp was last summer, I’m really excited to be back in person, hanging out in the sun, smelling the butterscotch trees and making sure everything runs smoothly as Techni.

Ada - Maz Kesher for Sayarimot (6th grade) and Nitsanimot (3rd & 4th grade)
Hello! My name is Ada Marcovitz. I just finished my Junior year at Bryn Mawr College where I study math. I also enjoy cooking, baking and solving logic puzzles. I am from Owings Mills, Maryland and went to Mosh (Gilboa’s sister camp in Maryland) starting when I was 9 years old. This is now my third summer with Gilboa and I am so excited to be back at camp and spending some time in nature!

Emma - Melavah & Maz Kesher for Shomrimot (8th grade)
Hi! I’m Emma :) I’m from the Bay Area but am currently in school near Philadelphia where I study religion! I’ve been part of the Gilboa community since 2009 and am excited to be coming back this summer as one of the melavot! I love cats, sandwiches, bodies of water, and more recently flowers and knitting :)

Amalia - Maz Kesher for MBG & Tzedek
Hi everyone, my name’s Amalia! I am from Ithaca, New York and went to Camp Na’aleh as a kid, but have been working at Gilboa for the past few years. I’ve worked three summers and have had various responsibilities in the Ken. I just graduated from Pitzer College. This summer I will be running the new full summer MBG program for rising eleventh graders, and on mazkirut bringing Tzedek to the summer. I can’t wait to be with you all in Big Bear!

Ben - Maz Kesher for Chotrimot (7th grade) and Amelimot (5th grade)
Hey there I’m Ben this is my 9th summer at Gilboa! I grew up in Irvine and am now a senior at San Francisco State University. I’m so excited to see you all at camp this summer. Gilboa is the greatest place on earth and I’m ready to get the Gilboa family back together! See you soon!