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Join Gilboa's Virtual Shabbat Saturday March 21st!

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

Dear Camp Gilboa Families,

We’re thinking about you and wishing everyone health, wellness and peace in these challenging times.

At Gilboa, children, teens and young adults learn about themselves and about the world. They practice being part of a community, and they contribute to building it in every activity, conversation, and interaction they have. They share, create, and continuously think about their role in the world.

While we have had to stop in-person activities for the time being, we can provide so much of the Gilboa kesem (magic), learning, comfort, and support in different ways, and we would like to invite everyone to our first VIRTUAL SHABBAT WITH GILBOA!

Join us this Saturday, March 21st as we celebrate Shabbat and connect with kvutzah & our community!

We’ll start the morning with kids’ activities by kvutzah with Yahli, Rosh 2020! Bring your favorite mug, cookies, and tea and get ready for fun and friends!

🌟2nd-4th grade 9:30-10:15 AM

Meeting ID: 449 687 092

🌈5th grade 10:30-11:15 AM

Meeting ID: 882 517 426

🌻6th/7th grade 11:30 AM-12:15 PM

Meeting ID: 745 960 589

💕8th grade 1:30-2:15 PM

Meeting ID: 584 343 197

High Schoolers - the Tzedek madrichimot are working on adjusting your activities and you'll be hearing from them soon!

We’ll end the day and welcome the next week with a community-wide Gilboa-style Havdallah (7:30-8pm) — because everybody loves Saturday night!

Community Havdallah, 7:30-8pm

Meeting ID: 328 104 051

Supplies for havdallah (optional!)

  • Havdallah candle (click here to see what “counts” as a havdallah candle or easily make your own using 2 hannukah candles)

  • Something nice smelling (spices, tea bag)

  • Wine (or a substitute) and mug or glass

  • Something that can play music - we’ll send out the havdallah playlist beforehand

  • A pillow (or someone’s stomach) to rest your head on

  • Blessings & Songs )

We look forward to integrating rich and creative content in new formats, and I’d like to express much love and gratitude to all of our staff and tzevet who are spending time and energy preparing for these events.

Families can expect their kids to be engaged in different ways - they’ll receive check-in calls from counselors, they will be invited to kvutza meetings and fun activities, and they’ll be able to participate in Gilboa-style projects. All of this will be announced and updated on Gilboa’s facebook page, Instagram, and blog - like us, follow us, or subscribe to the blog to receive updated info about what’s going on!

Shabbat Shalom,


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