It was a packed weekend of fun, learning, ice cream, kvutza, and everyone's favorite Gilboa shabbat traditions!

After arriving on Friday evening, we all gathered for blessings and a warm shabbat meal. Despite being in LA, it almost felt like we were back in the chadar ohel (dining hall) at camp! After dinner we all did rikkud, Israeli dancing - a Friday night ritual. By the time it was over, everyone was pretty much ready for bed after a day of school, getting to seminar and reconnecting with friends.

On Saturday we woke up for breakfast and a peula (educational program) on labor, unions and some of the recent teachers strikes across California. Afterwards, Yochi Nudell (a Gilboa parent and member of the UTLA teachers union) joined us to talk about public school, strikes, and the LAUSD strike from earlier this year. We thought a lot about how we have more power the more we can cooperate and work together. And that even if people in power are acting unfairly, we still can make change as long as we stick together.
We then ate lunch and headed over to Pan Pacific Park for an afternoon of games, activities and snacks on a beautiful sunny day.

We were all exhausted from running around in the park and took a well deserved, air-conditioned break when we got back. But as soon as we felt rested, we got back at the day for musicale - another Gilboa shabbat tradition. There were choreographed dances, camper written strike/labor songs, and some pretty silly skits. Whenever Gilboa kids perform there's some serious creative talent on full display. After a nice dinner and havdallah, we all settled in for kvutza EP-EP's (late night fun, divided by age group). And as tired as we were from such a jam-packed day, everyone still managed to get in another hour of after sunset fun!
You can check out more pictures from the seminar here:
All in all, it was a great weekend. It really got all of us on tzevet (staff) so excited for the summer! Camp is right around the corner and we can't wait to see everyone there!
