One of the ways campers learn about Gilboa's emphasis on shituf (sharing) is through a communal fund we call kupa. Camp Gilboa does not have a canteen or store; kupa is our substitution towards promoting equality and avoiding problems that might result from campers having money in their possession.

Kupa is used in a variety of ways throughout the summer and campers, as a group, decide how to spend it - whether on treats such as ice cream or tzedaka (charity).
We suggest an amount of $30 for first session session, $20 for second session, or $50 if your child is coming for both sessions. You are, of course, welcome to contribute more or less. Please send it with your child, in a sealed envelope marked with their name. It may be either cash or a check made out to Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa, with the memo line reading "Kupa".
If your child is traveling on a camp bus, please give the envelope to the counselor at the pickup location; otherwise, you can hand it to a counselor when you drop your camper off.
Care packages were discussed in our “Communications” blog, but as a reminder, we're asking that you send flat items only that fit into a large envelope. If you are sending anything, we encourage you to send something campers are able to share with others.
One of our greatest strengths is our sense of community and atmosphere of caring, respect and trust. Thank you for supporting this important educational goal!