This post includes information about everything health-related at camp, including:

Motion sickness
Preventing illness at camp
Treating illness at camp
If you have questions about anything, always feel free to reach out to us! Thank you for your help ensuring a safe and healthy summer!
As you prepare to send your child to camp, please be sure to have all medications your child may need, in sufficient quantities for the duration of camp.
All medication - prescription and over the counter - in the original packaging, must be labeled with your child's full name, name of medication, prescribed dosage and time of day, what it is being taken for, and whether it needs refrigeration.
Please send a detailed schedule, including dosage, as well as instructions in case of reaction and other special instructions, if any. If your child carries an inhaler, it is very helpful if you send two, so that we can keep one at the health center, and have one with your child at all times.
All medication must be given to counselors at the bus (where possible) or to the nurse upon arrival at camp.
Camp Gilboa may administer over-the-counter medicine to your child if needed, according to your instructions on the health information form.
Motion Sickness
If your child is prone to car sickness, please make sure to equip them with vomit bags (we'll have them on the bus as well), and with the treatment you know is helpful to them (i.e. dramamine, lemon, ginger, etc.). If they are using dramamine, the best time to give it is right before they get on the bus or on the plane, as the medication will take full effect as the bus starts climbing the windy road up the mountain.
If your child wears glasses or contacts, it is important that you send an extra pair to camp. It is difficult to enjoy camp if there is a long delay in replacing broken glasses or lost contacts.
We ask that you thoroughly check your child's hair a week (that's tomorrow for many of you) and again one day before camp starts, and make sure to treat (and notify us) if you find lice. Lice check is part of the first day procedure at camp, and if we find lice on a camper, we will treat it and do routine follow-up treatments to prevent its spread.

Preventing illness at camp
At camp, we stress the importance of hygiene and prevention and make sure campers know to report any illness to their counselor. If your child is ill or getting over an illness and may still be contagious on the first day of the camp session, we ask that you delay their arrival to camp, to make sure they arrive to camp feeling well and to avoid spreading illness.
Illness at camp
During camp our 24 hr/day mirpa'a (infirmary) is staffed by a nurse or paramedic. If your child isn't feeling well, the medical personnel will determine whether they can be treated at camp or need to see a physician in Big Bear. If your child isn't feeling well, we will let you know.