Ken Chalutz, medurah, Havdallah, and more...we got our hands dirty and had a TON of fun at Work Weekend this fall! Keep reading for more.
Work Projects
Throughout the weekend, families and campers were able to participate in various work projects to help prepare the site for winter. Here's a few highlights of what we were able to accomplish:
- Sherutim (bathroom) deep cleaning
- Cleared brush and dug out culverts to divert snow melt from buildings and prevent flooding
- Moved all of the picnic tables and other outdoor furniture into safe places for the snowy months ahead
- Winterized the pool and plumbing
Open House
We were delighted to have some day visitors stop by on Saturday. We began our afternoon with lunch and introductions, then moved into a full tour of Gilboa's campsite. Thank you to the new families who were able to make it up, we had a blast getting to know you and we can't wait to see you again this summer!
Havdallah and Ken Chalutz
Arguably chanichimot's (campers') favorite time of the week, we were elated to recreate some of our favorite camp Saturday night traditions to share with Work Weekend volunteers. When the sun went down on Saturday, we put on our cozy sweatshirts and said goodbye to Shabbat through havdallah (closing Shabbat prayers), medurah (bonfire), and kumzits (group singing).
This Work Weekend was unique in that we invited all of our high schoolers to attend for Ken Chalutz, where along with tzevet (staff), they participated in training for year-round Gilboa events. Youth leadership is what we're all about at Gilboa, and as our campers grow up they take on more responsibility each year, so it was great to reconnect and watch them step into their new roles!
Thank you so much to our mighty team of volunteers! We couldn't have done it without you. That's all for now from us at Gilboa. Stay tuned for Ken Event dates coming soon!