Hi all! As we approach the summer, it's important to remember that Camp Gilboa is committed to providing an enriching and financially accessible summer camp experience for all families!

Financial aid is available and we are here and ready to assist with the scholarship process. Please remember that it is your responsibility to apply to all possible sources in your area, according to their criteria and deadlines. Once you've reviewed the general list of sources, scroll down for additional financial aid opportunities in your region.
Bring your friends and receive big discounts! Any new camper family you bring to camp makes camp more affordable for your family and helps grow the community.
$150 off for each new camper family you bring!
Bring 5 new camper families and receive $1500 off your family's tuition!
You must be registered for camp to apply for financial aid - register HERE!
General Financial Aid Sources:
One Happy Camper - This grant is a first-come, first-served scholarship for first time campers attending for at least 12 days - it is $1000 towards Session 1 or $700 towards Session 2. Campers who attend Nitsanimot (5 days) this year will still be eligible for the One Happy Camper grant next year!
If you are a new camper and a PJ Library family, you should have received a One Happy Camper code - you will need to provide this in your application.
If you have your code, apply here.
If you don't have your code, reach out to PJ Library directly to request your code - pjgtc@hgf.org
If you are not a PJ Library Family, apply here.
Local Jewish Federations - please scroll down in this email for area-specific instructions and deadlines.
Your synagogue or congregation - Rabbis' discretionary funds or other synagogue sources may have funds available for your child's camp experience. These funds often run out quickly, so please reach out to your rabbi or temple administrator now to ask about available funds.
Gilboa Scholarship Fund - In addition to external financial aid sources, the Gilboa 2023 scholarship application is available online in your camp account. We are here to support you in this process! You must be registered for camp to apply for financial aid - register HERE.
The first round of Gilboa Scholarship Applications are due March 1, 2023.
Applications that come in after March 1st will be considered on a rolling basis until funds have run out.
For the Gilboa Scholarship application, please review the following directions:
To find the application, please log in to your camp account here.
Click on “Forms & Documents”
There you can complete the “Scholarship Application” form. Please have all required information ready before starting the application. There is no way to save progress and leave the application. If you leave the page without submitting you will have to start over.
Finally, upload the required IRS forms (can be from 2021 or 2022) through the “Scholarship IRS document upload” form.
For 10th graders going on MBI (Israel trip) - There are MANY grants available to fund this trip. You should have received a full list from Elana, but if you missed it, reach out and we will get it to you. If you have questions, please contact our registrar, Kit, at registrar@campgilboa.orgbefore submitting your application.
Local Funding Sources: Jewish Family Services in San Diego: Jewish Family Service of San Diego provides limited, needs-based financial assistance to help Jewish single parents in San Diego send their child(ren) to Jewish summer camp. Contact sjsp@jfssd.org or call 858-637-3210 to learn more. Silicon Valley Jewish Federation Apply here: https://www.jvalley.org/scholarships Due Date: Has not been released yet. Families must be within JSV’s service area: Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Mountain View, San Jose, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Saratoga, Sunnyvale. Los Angeles Jewish Federation: Good news! Your Gilboa application will serve as your application for the LA Federation's scholarship program. Camp Gilboa will apply on your behalf. Please submit your Camp Gilboa Scholarship Application through your family’s camp account(log in here) as soon as possible. Inland Empire: There are limited funds available that will run out soon. We are in touch with IE Jewish community leaders and donors, so please be sure to apply to the Gilboa Scholarship ASAP to express your family's needs! Apply through your camp account - log in here. If you are from San Diego or the Bay Area: Unfortunately these Federations no longer able to provide needs-based scholarships. Please make sure to apply to the Gilboa Scholarship Fund; we will work with your family to ensure camp is financially accessible. Jewish Free Loan Los Angeles: Need more time? JFLA offers loans with no interest, no fees and a manageable repayment plan. JFLA has loan funds dedicated to helping families pay for camp. Reach out to JFLA directly to inquire about camp tuition loans - info@jfla.org If you don't fall under any of these areas, or for any questions, please give us a call and we'll figure it out together!
MBI Scholarship Info
Amy Adina Schulman Fund: This memorial fund is a long-time partner of HDNA programs. Founded in memory of a Habonim Dror alumni, this scholarship fund provides financial aid assistance to participants on Habonim Dror’s Israel programs.
Local federations/community organizations:
San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley:
Los Angeles:
LA Jewish Federation scholarship applications will launch in the next few weeks - I’ll send a follow up email when that happens!https://www.jewishla.org/program/israel-experience-grants/
San Diego:
Immersive Experience Grants | Jewish Federation of San Diego - no due date, but first-come first-served until funds have run out (so apply ASAP!)
HDNA scholarships: Habonim Dror North America has a modest scholarship fund to help participants. We will be opening our applications shortly, so please be in touch with Ben if you would like to apply.
Synagogues: Many synagogues have scholarship funds to assist Jewish youth in participating in Israel programs. These funds often run out quickly, so reach out to your rabbi/synagogue administrator now!
Gilboa Scholarships: Gilboa has a scholarship fund specifically to support teen Israel travel & leadership programs. All campers going on MBI or MBG are eligible. Participants who apply are guaranteed $500, but families who need more assistance can request a larger award. This scholarship is to support campers on their Habonim journey and to nurture our future madatz & madrichimot (counselors). Starting in 11th grade, Gilboa campers become madrichimot in the year-round activities, and then come back to camp as madatz (counselors in training). To receive this scholarship, participants must intend to continue as leaders in the Gilboa community in the future.
To apply, participants should write 250-500 words answering the following prompt:
How has Gilboa shaped who I am and how will I contribute to Gilboa as a leader in future year-round and camp programs? Please make sure to address the question of how you will contribute to Gilboa in the future after MBI!
Please email this to elana@campgilboa.org, and include in your email if you are requesting additional needs-based scholarship beyond the $500 award.
If you are in need of additional funds (more than $500), you will receive a financial information form to fill out and will be asked to submit copies of your most recent tax return.
Habonim provides scholarship application assistance! If you are not sure which scholarships you are eligible for/how to find them, reach out to Ben - programs@habonimdror.net
Gilboa's Financial Aid Application:
We are here to help - please do not hesitate to reach out. We are so excited for summer 2023!
- Kit & The Gilboa Team