It's been a great start to First Session! Lots of new friends, adjusting to a new environment and activities, and getting to know each other and machaneh (camp) better by the day.
Throughout the daily schedule there are a few blocks when chanichimot (campers) choose their own adventure! One of those blocks is chuggim (electives). The first day of camp, madrichimot (counselors) put on skits to persuade chanichimot that their chug (elective) is the best! Campers then made their choices, and for the rest of the session they report to the same chug each yom ragil (regular camp day). This is an exciting chance for kids to get to know other campers who aren't in their kvutsa (age group). It helps strengthen Gilboa as a community and we're all able to connect over shared interests and silly, fun activities.
Every session, the chuggim change depending on what madrichimot (counselors) are excited to lead. We always make sure there are a variety of chuggim that speak to different kids' needs, energy levels, and interests. This session, the chuggim are:
Messy fun
Animal Sports
Chug Inc.
Girl Band
Here are some photos from chuggim in action!
...and of course here are some other photos of the fun we're having so far at Camp Gilboa! A reminder that a full album with all photos will go out at the end of the summer, and if you need any specific updates about how your camper is doing, contact Alison (215-850-7993) or Elana (323-605-8585)!
