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All About Chuggim (Electives)

Happy Wednesday, Gilboa families!

Our main choice block of the day is called chuggim (electives), where kids pick one chug (elective) to attend for the entire session. This is an excellent time for chanichimot (campers) to get to know kids in different age groups while connecting over a shared interest! Our madrichimot (counselors) always go above and beyond in creativity to provide chanichimot (campers) with fresh and fun options each session.

Here are this session's chuggim:

- Chug Sensory: An exploratory adventure journeying through the senses !

- Noah's Art: Chanichimot create art with objects found in nature! Pinecones and rocks...the natural world around us makes for an excellent canvas :)

- Chug Copy Cat: This crew 'copycats' every other chug by each day pretending to be a different chug! They get a little taste of everything.

- Aussie: The Australian madrichimot (counselors) show chanichimot all of the best food, sights, phrases, and animals from Australia.

- Origins: How did the world begin?! Chanichimot explore this question and how did Gilboa start? How does anything originate?!

- 2 Hot 2 Handle: An elective that explores activities having to do with temperature. Think: trying new hot sauce, cold plunges, and more.

- Top Gun: A chug dedicated to recreating the classic film Top Gun with chanichimot!

- Travel to Buratia: This group of witches travels through Russia on an epic adventure!

With the first few days under our belts, we're all adjusting swimmingly to being back at machanech (camp). Below are some photos, and as always, if you would like any specific updates on how your child is doing please iMessage or WhatsApp Alison (215-850-7993) or Elana (323-605-8485). Talk to you tomorrow!

-- Alison


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